Safety Management
Bassair Aviation is approved by the South African Civil Aviation Authority as a non-scheduled Air Service Operator (licence N685D) and Aerial Work Operator (licence G534D).
Bassair’s commitment to a safe flying environment is non-negotiable. All operations are conducted in accordance to our SACAA approved Operations Manual. Standard Operating Procedures are continuously reviewed and improved, aircraft maintenance standards are extremely high and our pilots are selected for their experience, ability, decisiveness, integrity and airmanship.
Safety measures incorporated into our everyday operations include:
- Bassair’s helicopters are fitted with Spidertracks, a portable satellite tracking system. 100% global coverage by the Iridium satellite network and real time tracking ensures that we know exactly where an aircraft is at any time. Location reports are received via text messages, and situation information of the aircraft’s flight path is overlaid on to topographical maps and accessed via the internet by our Flight Safety Officer.
- Stringent flight following procedures between our pilots and the Flight Safety Officer serve as an additional safety precaution.
- Comprehensive third-party and passenger liability insurance cover, as well as medical evacuation for all our passengers in case of an aircraft accident.
- SABS approved harness are available on each aircraft, mandatory for door-off operations.
- Regular safety audits of all aircraft, equipment and maintenance service providers are conducted.
- Comprehensive safety training of all staff and pilots.
Maintenance of our aircraft is left in the very capable hands of Trio Aviation, based at Lanseria International Airport, and Hover Dynamics, Kimberley Airport. Both Aircraft Maintenance Organisations are approved by the SACCA and provide us with an exemplary service.
In accordance with our Maintenance Control Manual, our contracted AMO’s will be audited by our Responsible Person - Aircraft and annually by the SACCA Airworthiness Inspectorate. Each AMO will also undergo an annual safety audit by our independent aviation safety advisors, Litson and Associates.